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About ACBM

Everyone possesses the ability to heal and thrive. With over 6700 square feet of state-of-the-art biological medical therapies, our goal is to RESTORE, REVITALIZE and OPTIMIZE our patient’s quality of life.


With the goal of maximizing cellular health in today’s modern world, our facility offers the widest range of biological medical services under one roof from care for chronic health concerns, helping elite athletes heal and perform at their highest potential, and providing insights & treatments for achieving optimal health.

Striving to stay
ahead of the curve

Our team of experts is continually advancing our knowledge, research and education in the field of biological medicine to deliver you the most advanced information, technology and techniques available today.

Dr. Drobot

ACBM Founder

Dr. Drobot, The Health Performance Specialist™ is an international, leading authority on European Biological Medicine and electroceutical performance technologies and is the founder of the American Centers of Biological Medicine in Scottsdale and New England, collectively the largest, most comprehensive Biological Medical centers in North America.

ACBM and Dr. Drobot – featured in the Lighting The Path documentary

Lighting The Path is a FREE documentary film and extended series which follows the healing stories of those seeking the underlying causes of Autoimmune and Lyme disease. Discover your power to heal autoimmune disease, lyme and chronic illness.


What our clients say about us

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